Ngorongoro Crater
The Ngorongoro Crater is one of Africa’s most famous sites and is said to have the highest density of wildlife in Africa. Sometimes described as an ‘eighth wonder of the world’, the Crater has achieved world renown, attracting an ever-increasing number of visitors each year. You are unlikely to escape other vehicles here, but you are guaranteed great wildlife viewing in a genuinely mind-blowing environment. There is nowhere else in Africa quite like Ngorongoro!
The Ngorongoro Crater is the world’s largest intact volcanic caldera. Forming a spectacular bowl of about 265 square kilometres, with sides up to 600 metres deep; it is home to approximately 30,000 animals at any one time. The Crater rim is over 2,200 metres high and experiences its own climate. From this high vantage point it is possible to make out the tiny shapes of animals making their way around the crater floor far below. Swathes of cloud hang around the rocky rim most days of the year and it’s one of the few places in Tanzania where it can get chilly at night.
The crater floor consists of a number of different habitats that include grassland, swamps, forests and Lake Makat (Maasai for ‘salt’) – a central soda lake filled by the Munge River. All these various environments attract wildlife to drink, wallow, graze, hide or climb. Although animals are free to move in and out of this contained environment, the rich volcanic soil, lush forests and spring source lakes on the crater floor (combined with fairly steep crater sides) tend to incline both grazers and predators to remain throughout the year.
Ngorongoro crater Listed as a UNESCO site and it is considered one of the most beautiful and exceptional tour destination in Africa. The crater has diameter of about 17-21 kilometers Ngorongoro makes the paradise of haven of wildlife, with over 20,000 large animals gathering depending on the season including big five. Providing sightings to the endangered black rhino, which are very difficult to spot elsewhere in Tanzania. The crater is also home to some very impressive elephant bulls with huge tusks, Tigers, Leopards, Lions and many more. Only giraffe is lacking inside the crater because cannot afford with the steep crater cliffs. Animals are free to leave or enter the crater but most of them stay because of the abundance of water and food available in the crater floor throughout the year.